Ph.D. Qualification Exam - Materials Concentration
MATL 7355 is a core course for the Ph.D. qualification exam in MIE for the materials concentration.
Information for MSE Part I, “Thermodynamics of Materials”
The general topics covered for this exam align with the syllabus of this course and are summarized in the list below.
- Three laws of thermodynamics
- State and path functions (exact and inexact differentials)
- Entropy and Clausius inequalities
- Thermodynamic potentials and Maxwell relations
- Thermochemistry calculations and Hess’s law
- Systems and processes (e.g., isothermal, isobaric…)
- Phase equilibria and stability
- Ideal and non-ideal gases
- Behavior of Solutions (Henry and Raoult’s laws, Hume-Rothery rules)
- Phase diagrams (single-component and binary systems)
- Statistical thermodynamics (entropy, heat capacity, micro/macrostates, partition function)
However, each year specific topics may be excluded from the exams (see next section below).
MSE Part I will contain three questions. Students are asked to solve all three.
The problem with the lowest score will contribute 20% to the final grade while the other two problems will contribute 40% each.
One letter page (8.5” x 11”) of notes (both sides) may be used during MSE Part I. No other resources/notes will be allowed (except for a calculator).
Questions in MSE Part I may have sub-questions (a, b, c,…) and will be of similar style to the homework and mid-term exam (however, will be unique and not be an old question with different numbers).
A printed formula sheet will not be provided in this exam. However, all questions of MSE Part I will state the key equations and constants needed to solve the problem.
Additional Details for the 2025 Exam
The points below only apply to the exam held in 2025 and may slightly change in future years.
The following topics will not be asked:
- Open systems
- Systems with magnetic/electric fields
- Statistical Thermodynamics
- Einstein/Debye models of heat capacity
- Non-ideal gases and Van de Waals Gas calculations
- Subregular solutions
- Gibbs-Duhem integration
- Ternary phase diagrams
One question of MSE Part I will be on binary phase diagrams. So, make sure you understand them well.
For information on MSE Part II, “Kinetics of Phase Transformations”, please contact Prof. Upmanyu.